I have formed a habit that I'm kind of proud of, I have been waking up in the mornings and reading the Wall Street Journal online. I'm learning all sorts of great things, the most recent article that has sparked my interest is one about a possible additional tax rebate.
The National Association of Home Builders and Realtors have been lobbying congress for additional tax relief to bounce the economy and the housing market back to were it should be. There idea is to give a tax rebate to anyone who buys a home no matter what. I could see this happening because it seems to me like a lot of these first time home buyers are on the fence afraid of buying a home in an unstable economy. They are worried they are going to purchase a home and it will deprecate. I also think the recent rise in interest rates has drove them away from purchasing. A new tax bill to encourage everyone to buying a home would be just what the doctor order. Hopefully we will see something like this in the near future.