I have been kicking around the idea of getting my GRI (Graduate Realtor Institute) designation for a couple of weeks now and can't make up my mind about what I want to do. The GRI is basically a Master's degree for Realtors, that will help me be more knowledgeable in many different areas of my business. In order to obtain the designation you must take five 16 hour courses and 16 hours of elective courses. The five required classes are below:
GRI 1: Professionalism in Real Estate
GRI 2: Smart Marketing
GRI 3: Financing the Successful
GRI 4: From Offer to Contracts to Closing
GRI 5: Systems for Success
So what do you all think about me pursuing this designation? Would you be more likely to choose a Realtor who had a designation like this or would it matter to you? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.