Most folks don't give a second thought to their home when it comes to water, until a problem arises. By then, it could be too late. Water can destroy a house just as fast as fire. And the worst part is that it could be causing damage right now...and you don't even know it.
When a home is built, there are certain preventative measures put into place that help to defend your home against the perils of nature. Things like flashing, gutters (aka eaves troughs, as my northern friends say) and downspouts help control the water around your home. As a home inspector, some of the most common things I see are improperly installed or maintained gutters and downspouts. These very simple, economical items are one of the most important things that can be installed on your home. Believe it or not, they are there for more important reasons than keeping the water from dripping onto your head as you walk out the door.
Gutters collect the massive amounts of water from the roof, and channel it to the downspouts. When a gutter is not sloped properly it will hold water and not drain. This can give mosquitoes a perfect place to lay their eggs, and we all love mosquitoes, right?
Another issue that can arise with all that water standing in your gutters is vegetation growth. I've seen larger trees growing in gutters than you can buy at your local nursery. You may have your very own hydroponic system, and not even know it. Debris and trees can stop a gutter from draining, so keep your gutters cleaned out.
But gutters are only half of this equation. The second and most overlooked part of the system are the downspouts. This is where your problems can really get serious. Damaged downspouts, improperly installed splash-blocks, or clogged drainage pipes will allow all that roof water to discharge around your foundation. Water pooling or draining around your home's foundation is a huge no-no. This is the leading cause of leaking basements and crawlspaces.
Today's homes are built on concrete foundations, typically either poured or blocks (CMU). Concrete is a very porous material. It soaks up moisture like a sponge. If the proper waterproofing coating and or drainage system is not installed, it is only a matter of time before you start to get water where you don't want it.
Lets say you have a downspout missing the elbow, which directs the water away from your house. Without this elbow, the downspout will drain tons of water during a hard rain directly at the concrete foundation wall. Gravity will do its' part, and pull the water into the ground. If you don't have the proper "weeping system" around the perimeter of your home, that water is going to sit there, until the earth absorbs it. And, like most things, water will follow the path of least resistance...typically straight into your home.
When I enter a crawl space during a home inspection, I'm on high alert to moisture, because it can wreak havoc, causing nasty stuff like mold and wood rot. Moisture also invites unwelcome guests, namely termites. High moisture levels in crawl spaces is the number one problem I find in homes. Most of the time, this moisture and the problems that ensue because of it could have been avoided by purchasing an $8.00 splash-block, or by unclogging a drain extension. When it comes to your home, the old adage will always ring true. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.