I often work with very emotional, very stressed buyers in my career as they are searching for a new home. The decision of where they will settle down and raise their family can be over whelming. Sometime buyers can have unrealistic expectations as to what kind of home they can purchase for the money they have to spend. I always tell people that we definetely want a to find them a house that meets their needs and that sometime means they have to sacrifice on some of their wants. There have been plenty of times that my buyers have walked into homes and said immediately "this is the one", or something like "I just know it in my heart" or "God wants me to have this house". When this happens in the back of my head I'm thinking this person is on an emotional roller coaster and sometimes I have to try and talk them out of making a bad decision based on their emotions. I try to combat these emotions with as much fact and research as I can and try to get them to clear their heads and make a logical fact based decision. Most people don't realize that the Bible warns us about how wishy washy our emotions can be in Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all other things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" So my advice to all people who may be looking to purchase a home please ask your Realtor for as much information as you can get and sleep on your decision. I am a strong believer that you need to take all emotions out of your decision making process and rely on your agents knowledge and ability to gather information as much as you can. The Bible also advises against setting out and making decisions on your own instead off seeking council in Proverbs 15:22 "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed."
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